Integrated Learning

WALT design a piece of  new furniture for a new learning space 

I learned that you use a ruler for straight lines
I achieved my goal because I made my creation stand

N ext time I will make it a bit smaller

Maths Term 3

WALT find halves and quarters of sets and shapes by equal sharing and imaging

I learned halves are just like doubles

Here is an example of my learning: half of 14 is 7

Next time I will work on my book standards in Maths

My Mihi

WALT: Introduce ourselves in Te Reo

I learned to say my mihi correctly.
I achieved my goal because now I can say my mihi .
Ko Three Sisters toku maunga.

Here are two sentences;
No whiti ahau
Next time I will read slower.

Reading Skills

WALT understand and use new vocabulary.        

I learned new vocabulary.

I achieved my goal because I sounded out new words.

Next time I will use a dictionary to understand the meaning of new words.

ANZAC Writing

WALT write a diary entry using specific vocabulary.

I learned new vocabulary.

Here is my best sentence:
I am stuck in this old trench with a sniper and hear my enemy running towards the trench.

I achieved my goal because... I completed my ANZAC Writing.

Next time I will try to spell more words correctly.

Cross Country

WALT run 1.5km for Cross Country 

I learned it's so hard running 1.5km, it makes you puffed.

I achieved my goal because I completed the cross country and came second to last.

Next time I will walk jog and run.


Kauri Year 4/5 Goal Setting

has just shared this Viewable by link Google Document with you:Reyansh

Learning to blog

WALT add a post to our own blog.

This is one way I will be sharing my learning for this year.

My next step with blogging is to remember how to log in by myself.

I am learning to add a post to my blog